Thin Skin 0.08mm (SHS-8)
Can be resized
The base measures 8" x 10" (width x length), but it can be resized to fit your specific dimensions, ensuring a perfect and customized fit for your hair system. However, please note it can only be reduced in size by a small amount, otherwise the PU perimeter will be completely removed.
Customize your curl
As standard, the hair features a slight wave (32mm). If you desire more curl, please choose the appropriate curl option, and we'll perm your hair at the factory before shipment. Please note, perming adds 2-3 days to processing.
V-Loop/Single Split
For a more natural hairline, we use v-loop knots for the initial 1/2" of the front hairline, transitioning to single split knots thereafter.
Approx. 3-4 months
The average lifespan of this design is approximately 3-4 months.
Natural hairline
The thinner 0.03mm skin material at the hairline, paired with invisible v-loop knots, achieves an authentic-looking hairline.
Breathable base
The fine holes in this skin base are imperceptible to the human eye, yet they are gas-permeable, allowing your scalp to breathe.
Transparent and safe
Our chemical-free technique ensures a shine-free and transparent appearance, guaranteeing a natural look while minimizing the risk of allergic reactions during wear.